SARS-like virus was found in September 2012. This flu was also found in bats. A preliminary investigation showed that the most recent patient who died, had no contact with previous cases reported NCoV infection. This means that the spread of the coronavirus still under further investigation, as reported by FoxNews.
Nine of the 15 people confirmed dead NCoV infected. Most cases occur after the patient to travel to the Middle East region. Research by scientists in Europe have found that NCoV adapt well to humans and infect. These infections may be treated with drugs similar to those used for SARS, which killed one-tenth of the 8,000 people infected.
WHO admitted it was monitoring the situation closely and urged member states to continue surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections and careful in reviewing any unusual patterns of infection.
WHO is currently working with international experts and countries where cases have been reported to assess the situation and review recommendations supervision and monitoring.http://healthy17care.blogspot.com