Vaginal Infection Symptoms and Treatment Baby

Who says only vaginal infection in women teens or adult women. In fact, babies or toddlers can also experience the same thing.

Although the problem is most common in women who are sexually active adults, the baby sometimes fungal infection. Yeast thrives in moist conditions, dark environment such as diapers and children who have received antibiotic therapy, as reported by LIVESTRONG.

In infants, especially those who have been taking antibiotics can kill the beneficial bacteria that prevent the overgrowth of yeast. Fungi flourish, especially in a wet diaper for a long time so the risk of developing a yeast infection. The resulting diaper rash can spread to your baby's vagina.

The most common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection is the presence of thickening like cheese and discharge from the vagina or around the vulva. Babies often itch or scratch the affected mushrooms. Arise redness, swelling, and difficult diaper rash disappeared.

The solution is not to use the drug for adults on your baby fight infection. Immediately consult a physician to determine and prescribe appropriate treatment. Change diapers more often to avoid the moisture in the diaper. When changing your child's diaper, wipe front to back through and make sure the area is completely dry before putting on a new diaper and avoid giving your child too much antibiotics.
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